Oct 17, 2012

Countdown to Halloween Day 17 - Halloween Yahtzee

Numerous popular family games have received a reskinning to appeal to collector's of licensed pop culture properties. I know I've got Nightmare Before Christmas Scrabble, Operation, Yahtzee and Trivial Pursuit. And some of them even get a holiday makeover but Halloween is usually the unloved stepchild in this department. Usually...
Halloween Yahtzee game

I'm not sure why they released it in a big box instead of just the dice cup like they seem to do with every other set that comes out but I guess it's easier to pile it on top of your other boxed games. There's nothing much outstanding about this set other than it being all Halloween-y.

The dice do glow in the dark but could have been made better. The images are printed on the faces instead of being recessed and colored in. I don't use this set but I imagine after some clacking around, the images will start to wear off the dice. And that is severely unfortunate as this version has been discontinued for many years now. They really should be rolling this out every year. Maybe it didn't sell well enough?

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  1. I've never been a fan of Yahtzee, but even a Halloween edition wouldn't make me want to play it. The glow-in-the-dark dice are cool and all, but if you're playing in the dark how are you supposed to keep score? Somebody didn't think this through.

    1. And anyone that's ever had a glow in the dark anything can tell you it hardly glows bright enough or long enough to be any fun.
