Countdown to Halloween
starts tomorrow, so the monthly recap goes up a day early. As usual, links
below are Amazon affiliated and will drop some pennies in my coffers for your
order. The holiday season is coming up fast, go buy stuff!
Be sure to swing by tomorrow for details on the annual Halloween contest!
The sequel to the WNUF Halloween Special! I ordered this as soon as it went up but never got around to watching it. Luckily, creator Chris LaMartina is taking it on the road and I got so see it with an audience. I don't want to give anything away about it but I will say it's a blast from the 90s past! Highly recommend seeing it in a theater (or at least with a group) if you have the chance.
Rating: 9/10
With a title like this, I completely expected this to be another bottom of the
barrel Amazon horror offering. Maybe it was my low expectations but I was very
pleasantly surprised! There's no wraparound with this anthology, just seven,
some funnier than other, horror shorts. Quite a bit of it felt like a weird
Goosebumps for adults by way of Troma. I don't think it'll make anyone's "best
of" list but I had a good time with it.
Rating: 7/10