Oct 10, 2020

Halloween Web - Sean Keller Part 2

 If you missed Part 1 of Sean's interview where he introduces himself, you can find that in Thursday's post.

What was Halloween like for growing up?

I grew up in suburban Northern Virginia in the late 70s, early 80s and Halloween was the one night I was allowed to stay out late. It was heaven. My favorite day of the year. I would dress up and trick or treat until my pillowcase was too heavy to keep going and then I’d stay up trying to get through Count Gore DeVol’s annual presentation of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.

Do you have any stand out Halloween memories?

After living though 50 of them, they tend to blur together in a candy-corn-colored haze of smiles, fun and debauchery. But I did make the haunted house at my kids school for 9 years in a row and the screams of children (and moms) makes my heart sing.

What about favorite costumes?

As I said earlier, the L.A. horror community is pretty tight and that makes for quite a few costume parties each year (sadly not this year) so I’ve been Rob Zombie, The main ghost from Carnival of Souls, but various incarnations of a suave Devil are my go-to… they are the real me for sure!

How do you celebrate these days?

I’m a Halloween 365 guy, so I’m always ready for a costume party. I love watching movies with friends and cooking up homemade sweets for them to eat.

Do you have any annual rituals to get you in the spirit?

I’m more ritual than man. I go apple picking each year. I write cards. I map out 31 days of themed horror films (this week we’re tackling the Universal Monster sequels). I throw massive parties (missing that ritual this year). I listen to my spooky records and now I put out a spooky record every year, so that has become a tradition in itself! I’ll be carving pumpkins in the graveyard with friends and hosting a lot of watch parties. 
What about favorite movies to watch?
Halloween day is all about old cartoons & John Carpenter’s HALLOWEEN and I can’t get through the season without HAXAN, The WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL and THE AMERICAN SCREAM.

What do you think it is about Halloween that keeps it in our hearts as we get older?

Nostalgia is a huge part of it. The attempt to remember how Halloween made me feel as a kid keeps me feeling young. There is a joy to the season, but also a real darkness. Halloween marks the coming of winter, and winter is scary. A lot of people don’t make it through the winter and this year in particular that feeling looms. Halloween is a time to reflect on the year and celebrate with friends in order to stave off the coming darkness.  

Inside the Spookster's Studio

The worst thing to get while trick or treating was Mary Janes… or a toothbrush

My favorite thing to get was Butterfingers

My favorite monster cereal is Frankenberry

Where can people find you online? 
I'm on Twitter (@_seankeller) and Instagram (@TheSeanKeller).

Franken-thanks to Sean for joining us in the Halloween Web! And be sure to check out his Bandcamp page where you can listen to both volumes of his Killer Sounds of Halloween albums.

Click the image below to see all the participating Countdown bloggers!

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