Oct 9, 2011

Countdown to 10/31 - The Best Treat(?)

Every Halloween in Salem there are a group of religious extremists (or what we affectionately refer to as Jesus Freaks) who are out in the streets with their sandwich boards, bullhorns and pamphlets that no one seems to want. In particular, the gentleman below, who's been around the Boston area for at least 12 years. You can generally find him at any major event where there may be sinners.

Click to enlarge
I'm all for freedom to believe what you want, but what I don't believe in is aggressively pushing your beliefs on others. Maybe they believe they're saving your soul, but in Salem, on Halloween is probably not the best time or place to do so. I'd bet my whole night's Trick or Treat that they get heckled more than they accomplish anything. Seriously, if you're going to preach to people dressed up as monsters, you should know what you're in for...

I found this on the internet years ago. You can click any of the images to view larger versions.

If you're looking for more Tricks n Treats, be sure to visit the main list of bloggers over at Countdown to Halloween by clicking on the good doctor below.