The Travel Channel recently posted this very appropriate video.
The Netherwolrd haunted attraction in Stone Mountain, Georgia opens its doors for once night on December 14th inviting you in for a spooky holiday.
This looks like it would be a lot of fun! Their website says it's a limited capacity event and groups will be lead through six people at a time, which sounds awesome because the actors will be able to focus on each group going through.
Stick around to the end of the video to see the great prop museum Netherworld has.
Be sure to visit the other Creepmas celebrants by clicking below.
That was pretty cool! Looks like a genuinely creepy and pretty professional looking haunt! I was amused at that ghoulie with the cookies and milk at the end. :) And "The Collector" was actually pretty personable! Nice touch with the authentic collection of historical costumes and props. This reminds me that I'm going to my first Krampusnacht tomorrow night. It's going to be held at a very German establishment so I'm hoping it's going to be authentic. We'll see if it's anywhere near as scary as that video you shared!