Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2025, Disney+)
I like it! A lot! I like the animation style, the action, the character choices, the
new twists, and that theme song slaps! Do the kids say slaps still? The one
thing I didn't like about it initially, is how Peter got his powers. It seemed
stupid. But they actually explained in a way that made sense by the end of the season.
SNL50 (2025, Peacock)
Beyond Saturday Night, the 4 part docu-series, was very good. I don't know
that we needed a whole episode on the Cowbell sketch but the look inside
what goes into making the show every week is mind boggling.
Ladies & Gentlemen, 50 Years of SNL Music is also great. Some good behind
the scenes stories and whoever edited that opening montage deserves an award!
I don't know why but for some reason I got it into my head to watch all the
Ghoulies movies when looking for stuff to watch. That'll teach me to listen to
my brain!
Technically a re-watch but I haven't seen it since it came out. Prior to
watching it, I remembered three things: the Ghoulies (duh), green eyes, and
that I saw it with a boy/girl mixed group of high school friends. This was
originally going to be directed by Charles Band with Stan Winston doing the
creatures and I can only dream what that movie would have been like. Even
grading this on an 80s horror curve, it's only kind of okay. It oddly feels
like something that could have been made in the 50s.
Rating: 4/10
The second entry is, sadly, the peak of the series for me. The Ghoulies get a
massive design upgrade from their previous hand puppet versions, it takes
place at a carnival, the comedy is better done, and you've got Phil Fondacaro.
What more could you want? It's still a goofy Gremlins knockoff but much more
Rating: 6/10
Last month's Macho Woman may be the worst movie I see this year but this is
certainly going to be the dumbest! The "comedy" is incredibly juvenile and
stupid. The movie feels like it was written by, and for, 12 year old boys. Not
even Kevin McCarthy can make this something you shouldn't flush down the
toilet. Ironically, there's a lot of toilet in this movie.
Rating: 3/10
The fact that I had to find this on FreeVee and that it's directed by Jim
Wynorski should tell you everything you need to know. The guy from the first
one is back and he's now...a cop? The OG Ghoulies are replaced by little
people in costumes and the effects ain't all that special. Despite the main
guy returning, this just feels completely different from the rest of the
Rating: 2/10
Captain America: Brave New World (2025)
I don't know how you could have kept Red Hulk secret and still put out an
interesting trailer but it would have been amazing if they did. Still, it does
pretty good at being a political thriller and Sam has come to show he's doing
the shield proud and is going to be his own Captain America. I didn't care
much for the villain. I like a mastermind pulling the strings but something
about him just didn't feel right.
Rating: 7/10
What happens when you mashup a Hallmark movie and a 90s era slasher? Heart
Eyes! I don't think I've ever used 90s throwback to describe a horror movie
but this is just drenched in 90s aesthetic. It's got some great kills and
it feels kind of Scream-y as you're trying to figure out who the killer is.
Rating: 7.5/10
I wasn't quite picking up what they were putting down. After watching it, I read
up on it and then everything clicked into place. I'm all for
weirdness but this just wasn't making sense for me. I felt like there was a scene or two that I needed to better explain things. Despite that, I can see
it's a very well done movie and appreciate what they were going for.
Rating: 6/10
You read that right, this is a killer sloth movie! Naturally, it's a comedy. It gets silly-stupid but didn't have a lot of humor to it if that makes sense. The lunacy gets right to the top but if you're doing a killer sloth, I think it needs to go waaaay over the top. All in all, the best killer sloth in a sorority house movie I've seen.
Rating: 4/10
This Month
New: 7 Rewatch: 1
Year to Date
New: 15 Rewatch: 1
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