Aug 5, 2020

Creature from the Black Lagoon - The Muscial

Did you know there was a Creature from the Black Lagoon Musical?!

I didn't either until recently, thanks to the YouTube channel Expedition Theme Park.
If you're a theme park fan, the channel is definitely worth checking out!

Last week, he put up a video about the history of Universal Studios Hollywood Creature Musical which, being a big Creature fan, blew my mind because I wasn't even aware of it. The fact that it only ran for 2 months in 2009 probably has something to do with that.

If you want to see the musical spoiler-free, skip this history lesson for now.

There was a big to do when the show opened. Julia Adams (Kay in the original movie) was there to help celebrate. Here's a short clip from the musical's press day of the Creature's arrival.

The show is only about 30 minutes if you want to check it out.
It's to see.

Even if you don't make it through the whole thing, I recommend forwarding through to catch a swimming scene and the big finale, a couple of things they definitely deserve some credit for doing.

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