Loot Crate supplies AEIOU and Sometimes Why with a Crate every month in exchange for sharing it with you fine people.
Wow, it feels like forever since October's Loot Crate review! The month of November brings to mind falling leaves and family gatherings...unless you're Loot Crate, then it means BATTLE!
Loot Crate supplies AEIOU and Sometimes Why with a Crate every month in exchange for sharing it with you fine people.
Wow, it feels like forever since October's Loot Crate review! The month of November brings to mind falling leaves and family gatherings...unless you're Loot Crate, then it means BATTLE!
Before even opening the box, it seems something different is afoot...

But I'll get to what that message means later, for now we're going to crack this puppy open and see what's inside.

The cover of the monthly mag (and button) definitely make it seem like we're in for a battle of the video game variety. Probably my favorite kind! This month's mag features an interview with Ubisoft on Assassin's Creed, an article on Halo, and an unusual last page with punch-outs. Again, we'll circle back to those when I get to the inside of the box.

Next are a few slightly larger than postcard cards: one for 50% off the purchase of Lichdom: Battlemage (which if I had the time, I would totally take advantage of, the game looks awesome), a free download of Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition with a free MegaMan comic download on the flip side, and a Pirates vs Ninja card encouraging you to include either #TeamNinja or #TeamPirate with your Loot Crate photos to give voice to your allegiance of choice. I'm Team Ninja, all the way!

Did someone say Pirates vs Ninja? This shirt about sums it up! I really like this style of art where they use descriptive words to make the characters.
And now to the video gaming goodies!

Mega Bloks deployed a HALO Drop Ship Mini Figure in the Crate. Geek confession: I tried playing the original Halo shortly after it was released, didn't like it, and have not touched the franchise since. This little Covenant dude is pretty neat but my LEGO minifigs have all but ostracized him so he went back to hanging out in his dropship/grenade thing.

Hey, it's that blue guy! Yes, dear reader, my video gamer cred is going out the window today. I have never played a Megaman game! When the gaming consoles came out, I was very focused on the games I would buy, which were mostly licensed properties so I never branched out to original stuff. The only reason I played Legend of Zelda is because it came with the console. Anyway, I can still appreciate how nifty this mini helmet is. They're blind boxed and come in four different colors (also red, blue, and green). Even as a general sci-fi helmet, it looks nice on the shelf.

If you want to do your best Ryu impression, Loot Crate has you covered with this Street Fighter bandana! I played SF in the arcades back in the day, since the not-so-great first one, even! Chun Li is my fighter of choice, I always take speed over power.
Probably the thing with the most "wow" to it this month is the Assassin's Creed IV Unity coin. It's about half dollar sized (kids ask your parents) and has got some heft to it. The lower right inset shows the other side of the coin where they left a nice blank spot for you to get your name engraved on it. And in case you were wondering, no, I've never played Assassin's Creed either, but it sounds like something up my alley. I loved Thief.
So, back to the box itself! If you've been following my Loot Crate reviews, you know they've taken things to a new level the past few months when they started putting designs on the interior. This month's Crate has a mini playset for you to battle it out on.

There's actually more to it than this. The opening flap has a billboard you can cut out to put on the top, but the collector geek in me couldn't bring myself to cut up the box. Each side of the this alley has a pull out platform for your fighters to pose on. They included some punch-out figures on the last page of the monthly mag for an in-house Capcom throwdown.

If you want to get a box of geeky swag delivered to your door every month, head over to Loot Crate and sign up today! Enter code AEIOU for 10% off your order.
The thing with these Loot Crates/Nerd Blocks is they are random and hit and miss i really dont think you get your money's worth but still the ideal behind them are great.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've seen with the other subscription boxes (and there are more than I can remember now!) you usually get more than your money's worth, at least literally. But you're right that not every one can be a home run with everyone. There's a few groups on Facebook and such for trading/selling stuff though so that helps!