Jun 18, 2015

#SummerSwap2015 Update

Hey folks! I know some of you are wondering what's going on with the Swap Box and I can assure you, it's out there and making its way to you!

While I'm waiting to give you full updates, here's where it's been.

The first leg of the Swap Box's national tour brought it to LA. Not the Cal-i-forn-i-a LA, but the state. It stayed for a bit with Awake Oh Sleeper before heading further West.

Currently the SwapBox is with ditreasures in the UT and being prepped for launch to its next destination, which is oddly close to where it just came from. 
Such is the way of randomly choosing a path!

More updates to come as I get them.
Stay tuned!


  1. I guess the longer it takes to get to me, the more time I have to collect more schtuff...
    Still, the anticipation is killing me!
