I was going to hold off on the next D&D figure installment but since the second wave just went up for pre-order (affiliate link) I figured it would be a good time to post.
Hank the Ranger is my second favorite kid in the series. Not so much because he's the leader but because he's got the coolest weapon, a bow that shoots endless energy arrows!
For those of you that haven't yet experienced the new windowless boxes, here's how the figures and accessories are packed.
Hank comes with two bows, one normal and the other is a cool translucent, energy effect version. And for his polyhedral die, he's got a d8.
I hate to say it but I think this is my least favorite figure so far due to the issues with it.
Although he doesn't have the ugly knee backs that I've seen on the other figures, there is this crack in the back of his tunic. The bottom and shoulders of the tunic are soft plastic to allow the joints to move.
Of all the figures I've opened so far, this one has the best joints. I didn't have to worry about snapping anything when trying to pose him. The waist is really loose for some reason. Speaking of posing...
While I was trying to find good poses to show him off, I thought I'd try to recreate the poses on the packaging. Turns out, it's not possible! The right arm just does not bend the way it appears on the box.
Not only that, but it shows his right foot turned out to the side. There are no swivels anywhere in the leg that would allow this positioning. Wtf, Hasbro? Not to keep kicking it while it's down but it's really hard to get it close to a pose that looks like he's using the energy bow. It's a little difficult to get the accessory in his hand because of the tight space between the grip and the arrow head.
This isn't too bad but I think it looks weird with the arrow being under the grip.
Luckily, these figures are going to be more on display than doing any adventuring. I'm both excited and concerned about the next wave.
These figures are so awesome. Hasbro did a nice job.