Apr 16, 2012

Mail Order Monday - Comfo Guard (1955)

You know you want to click so you can read the whole thing...
This week's ad comes from a 1955 comic, Love At First Sight #35. The main reason I chose this ad is because it's not something you'd expect to see advertised in a comic, even if it's a comic aimed at girls.

I can't imagine an ad like this in any comic during my life time much less in the 50s. I would think this would be a little taboo back then for a kid's comic book. I think the ad speaks plenty for itself without any snarky commentary...plus, it's going to be an 80+ degree day today so I'm getting outta here!


  1. I'm more concerned that it looks like the girl's head is facing backwards!

  2. This is a rather unusual for a comic book ad for sure.
